Podsumowanie zawodów i wyniki (K)MP

Czas na małe podsumowanie zakończonego wczoraj Pucharu Podlasia w Rowerowej Jeździe na Orientację. W zawodach, w ramach których były jednocześnie rozgrywane Mistrzostwa Polski, Klubowe Mistrzostwa Polski oraz Mistrzostwa Polski  Leśników w RJnO wystartowało 135 zawodników z sześciu państw: Polski, Litwy, Rosji, Ukrainy, Wielkiej Brytanii i Australii.  Dziękuję wszystkim za udział w zawodach i przepraszam za komplikacje z wczytywaniem wyników oraz niewłaściwym ustawieniem dwóch punktów kontrolnych.

The last stage of Podlasie Cup

Yesterday took place the forth and last stage of MTBO Podlasie Cup. The competitors struggled with a classic distance on the map Switzerland north of Suwałki. As before in the forrest dominated our guests from Lithuania and Russia. Results and maps with courses are available on the event web page from yesterday. Today we have added total results that covers all stages without Friday sprint. Please enjoy.

Second day of Podlasie Cup

The second day of MTBO Podlasie Cup has finished. Today took place two stages, both in a rank of Polish Championships. In the morning we competed from the mass start on a map called Switzerland. In the evening the competition moved to Płociczno for a sprint stage. Results (temporarily without splits) are available here. Maps from the evening sprint you may find here. For the morning maps we have to wait a bit longer.

First day of Podlasie Cup

The first day of Podlasie Cup has finished. Today we compteted on a sprint distance. The map looked simple, but many paths were difficult to ride and the number of control points was quite big. Some of them stayed close to each other and not all competitors paid attention to check the numbers. Big mistake :) The results of today sprint you may find here. The maps from today sprint are available here. Please enjoy.

Saturday start lists

Start lists for Saturday stages are available here. Entries are closed with exception few vacates for Saturday sprint. This is Polish Championship therefore the order of starts is the following: first the Polish, after them all foreigners. The lists for Sunday classical distance are going to be published on Saturday evening.

Friday sprint start list

Start list for Friday sprint are available here. Please be on time, because the start cannot be delayed. The competition office is open on Friday from 14:00 to 16:00 in the Primary School in Płociczno-Tartak (GPS: 54°1'20.363"N, 22°59'3.624"E). Later on it moves to the competition centre in Gospodarstwo Szkółkarskie Nadleśnictwa Suwałki on Wojska Polskiego Street 75A (GPS: 54°03'47.3"N 22°56'40.3"E).

World elite in Suwałki

We are at the last stage of preparations for Podlasie Cup in MTBO. Courses are ready and the maps will be printed as soon as the entry deadline approaches on April 22nd. The start numbers for competitors will be printed soon as well. Some examples you may find attached below.

We are glad to welcome several world elite MTBO competitors. Among them are Ruslan Gritsan and Grigory Medvedev from Russia. In Suwałki we are going o see Lithuanian National MTBO Team, competitors from the Ukraine and GB and probably some from Latvia and Belorussia.

Bulletin No. 2

Podlasie Cup is approaching fast therefore it is time to present Bulletin No. 2. Inside you may find course lengths and number of control points during every stage of the competition together with information how to get to every event centre. Please remember that the entry deadline is on April 22. After that day entry is still available but by mail only and the entry fee will double.

Medal factory

The production of medals for the participants of MTBO Podlasie Cup 2019 has just started. The medals will be given to the best competitors in all classes for Saturday mass start and sprint, Sunday classical distance and total results.

Pucharu Podlasia w mediach

W najbliższym, czyli wtorkowym (9 kwietnia), wydaniu Magazynu Zdrowy Białystok zostanie opublikowany artykuł promujący rowerową jazdę na orientację jako wspaniały sposób aktywnego spędzenia wolnego czasu na łonie przyrody. Gorąco polecam lekturę tego tekstu, tym bardziej, że wspomniany artykuł jest bardzo łatwo dostępny. Wystarczy otworzyć załącznik zamieszczony poniżej.


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